
The Huge Cost of Bad Hires — And How to Stop It

    A habit of hiring the wrong people can cause major issues throughout the entire company. Employee moral and reputation is hindered while earnings, engagement and growth is weakened.

    So, why are corporations making such awful hiring decisions? It’s possible that your firm is in a haste to fill a position and has reduced the vetting procedure to save time. Your company may be evaluating the wrong talents, necessitating a thorough redesign of your evaluation techniques.

    With 74% of businesses admitting to making at least one terrible hire every year, this isn’t an area where you should just hope for the best. Make your hiring process a top priority, and your new hire retention will skyrocket. For more on this, check out the graphic below.

    What Are Bad Hires Really Costing Your Business? from Torch Group, a C-level Recruiting Firm