
Bringing Ideas to Life With Daniel Shin: Inside the Mind of PortOne’s Daniel Shin

    Finding enduring success as an entrepreneur or an investor can be dramatically tricky work. Striking gold and then striking gold again is a rare thing, so when entrepreneurs like Daniel Shin enjoy multiple successful projects, the rest of the world takes notice. For that reason, the Co-CEO of PortOne recently sat down for an interview in which they shared the thoughts, traits, habits, and beliefs that have fueled their success.

    Let’s sit back, grab a notebook, and dive into the mind of PortOne’s Daniel Shin.

    Creating Positive Habits That Work

    Daniel Shin is a world-renowned entrepreneur and angel investor best known for his work as the founder of TicketMonster and Fast Track Asia. Through TicketMonster alone, Daniel Shin has empowered Korea’s leading e-commerce platform with over $3.5bin GMV. Now, success with PortOne has Shin back in the spotlight.

    While success doesn’t happen overnight, Shin made a series of habits that helped mold them into the successful person that they are today. One of those habits revolved around surrounding themselves with the right people. Shin says that bringing ideas to life is all about ‘execution’ and that is a reflection upon teamwork with people who you can trust. Shin says that they find success by surrounding themselves with passionate and professional individuals.

    Shin says of his collaborative approach at PortOne and other ventures, “When the right people are in the room with you, ideas naturally come to life without much friction.

    As far as how he starts his day before the team arrives, Shin likes to start things slowly by focusing on key decisions rather than a large number of decisions. Shin says, “I try to think hard each day about what is most important and what is a priority. Focusing on a few decisions that are key and punting the wrist is significantly more effective.”

    Changing His Mindset to Build Better Projects

    While better habits have certainly helped Daniel Shin to find success, he also found it essential to approach how he thought. Rather than let the world come to him, he prefers to organize his approach by giving credence to the things that are priorities in his life. Shin says, “You must be focused on building something great, and having the money will follow.”

    One of the most significant ways he was able to change his momentum and improve his effectiveness as an entrepreneur was to change his environment when he found himself struggling. Shin says, “This allows me to think and zone in on what I believe in.”

    Looking back on his past, Shin understands that it is essential to learn from his mistakes and to build into something better. Shin says, “If I could go back, I would choose where to fight and where to retreat and strategically pick my battles with the long-term in mind.”