
Beat Procrastination Forever: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Time Managers


    If you want to get more done in less time, there is no better way than beating procrastination once and for all, with these seven habits of highly effective time managers.

    1. Put a time limit on your work

    Michelle from Virtual Hand said “If you can’t finish a task in that time, break it down into smaller tasks and set new deadlines for each chunk of work.” If this still isn’t working, delegate the task to someone else who might be better suited for it.

    1. Use an agenda and other tools

    Use a planner, calendar or agenda. You can use the built-in tools on your smartphone and tablet, but if you’re looking for something more traditional, there are plenty of options. A planner will help keep track of your appointments and tasks; some people prefer paper planners while others prefer digital ones with apps like Google Calendar or Microsoft Outlook Tasks, that sync with their phone’s calendar.

    The key here is finding something that works best for YOU–and then sticking with it!

    1. Delegate tasks you don’t like to do

    Do you hate organizing your schedule? Are you a perfectionist who can’t stand the thought of delegating a task that isn’t done exactly right? If so, then this tip is for you!

    Instead of doing all the scheduling yourself, ask someone else (a virtual assistant or assistant) to do it for you. You’ll save time and energy by not having to worry about organizing your schedule or finding time blocks in which certain tasks need completed.

    1. Create a routine for yourself

    The key to creating a routine is that it has to be something that you can do without thinking, becoming so used to doing them that they don’t require much mental energy, which means less time spent procrastinating!

    We all know how easy it can be for our minds to wander off into unproductive territory when we’re bored or tired, but if you force yourself into doing something automatically, it becomes harder for those negative thoughts to take hold of your attention span and get in the way of what needs to be done today!

    1. Make sure you have a quiet place to work

    It’s important to have a quiet place to work. This will help you focus, and avoid distractions.

    If your office is noisy, try these tips:

    • Make sure your office door is closed. If it isn’t, close it! It’s the simplest way to create some privacy for yourself.
    • Constant interruptions? If someone knocks on the door while you’re working? Tell them politely (but firmly) that now isn’t a good time–you’ll be happy to talk with them later.
    • You may also consider investing in earplugs.
    1. Create a reward system for yourself and stick to it

    I recommend choosing rewards based on what makes sense for your lifestyle and personality type; not everyone will have the same types of things they find motivating!

    1. Don’t rush, and don’t be afraid of failure

    When faced with a difficult task or decision, don’t panic and make rash decisions based on fear–instead, ask yourself: “What’s my worst-case scenario if I fail?” Sometimes the answer may surprise you! Asking the question can help put things into perspective so that when we make our final decision about how much effort we want to put into something before giving up altogether.

    Procrastination is just a choice that we make and it can be changed!

    We can choose to be productive instead of procrastinating.

    We can choose to be successful instead of being a failure.

    Procrastination is a choice that we make. It’s not something that happens to us, like getting sick or being in an accident. We have the power to change our habits and break free from this cycle of putting things off until later. And once we do, we can finally say goodbye to procrastination forever!