
About the ACD Queues Pro

    An automatic call distributor is a feature that enables businesses to distribute calls to their customers automatically. It can get found in various phone systems, such as private branch exchange (PBX) and voice over internet protocol (VoIP). These tools help businesses improve their customer service and efficiency.

    VirtualPBX has introduced a new feature that enables businesses to manage their large teams remotely and on-site to meet the increasing demand for its services. This new tool will allow them to route calls easily and create ring groups. The company’s ACD Queues Pro will also help them improve their efficiency by allowing them to manage their large call volumes.

    The ACD Queues Pro features are also designed to help businesses improve their efficiency by allowing them to manage their large call volumes. Some of these include the ability to perform hold treatment for inbound calls and the recording of calls within queues.

    The call center managers can also use the features to monitor their agents’ performance and their teams’ activity throughout the day. One of the most popular features of the ACD Queues Pro is the ability to join a live call and chat with the other agents on the line. This feature allows them to step into the conversation and assist the other agents if needed.

    Another powerful feature of the ACD Queues Pro is the ability to perform hold treatment for inbound calls. This feature can help improve the customers’ experience while waiting for the live agent. Besides being able to perform hold treatment, the administrators can also announce the live agent’s arrival and the call’s time.

    According to Lon Baker, the company’s COO, the ACD Queues Pro features are designed to help businesses improve their efficiency by allowing them to manage their large call volumes. He noted that this feature is one of the company’s latest innovations that will help businesses improve their customer service.

    How Automatic Call Distribution Works

    As a call comes into a contact center or business, the ACD Queues Pro automatically forwards the calls to the appropriate agent or department. It can also connect incoming calls to the company’s interactive voice response system.

    The ACD Queues Pro can also connect incoming calls to the company’s interactive voice response system, which provides a list of departments and options based on the customers’ specific reasons for calling. After the customer has interacted with the system, the ACD takes the calls according to the call routing rules.

    Computer telephony integration (CTI) is a process that allows a phone technology to connect to a contact center’s CRM software. This feature can help the agents locate their existing contacts and provide more information about their current contact.

    Common Call Distribution Methods

    Ring in Order

    The ACD Queues Pro can also ring your teammates in a fixed sequence. The call center or the agents decide the sequence. Whenever calls come in, the same agent will receive the calls in the same order every time.

    Round Robin

    A round-robin call distribution system is also known as Call Cascading. It allows the administrators to set the preferred order of the phones that will get used to receiving calls. The calls will then be routed to the appropriate agent on the list.

    Ring All Teammates

    After the order has been set, the ACD Queues Pro automatically rings all your teammates. The first to respond will then handle the call. This method is very important if the call center or the agents want to provide a quick response time to their customers.

    Weighted Order

    To maximize the effectiveness of your voice processes, choose the right sales rep for your high-profile clients. The weightage given to the agents is based on their skills, experience, and priority.

    Ring Idle Agent First

    The most frequently used method to optimize the employees’ working hours is by having them ring the least-active agent first.

    Benefits Of Using The ACD Queues Pro

    Smooth Call Routing

    The ACD Queues Pro is a productivity tool that increases the agents’ efficiency by transferring calls to the most appropriate agent. It captures the caller’s details, such as their phone number and area code. It then routes the calls according to the availability of the agents and the call routing rules.

    Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

    The ACD Queues Pro is designed to help customers identify the ideal agent to handle their queries. They hate it when they get transferred to another agent who doesn’t have the necessary skills or knowledge to solve their problem. Having the option to call back helps reduce the stress levels of customers.

    The ACD Queues Pro also generates pre-built messages for each caller based on the expected wait times. It ensures that the right agent is available to handle the call and that the customer receives the most effective service.

    Optimization Of Resources

    With the ability to efficiently route calls, agents can focus on the tasks they are most capable of handling. It eliminates the need for them to spend time on non-productive activities. The ACD Queues Pro also generates reports detailing each call’s usage data. These reports can be used to analyze the effectiveness of the call center’s resources.

    Prompt Response

    The ACD Queues Pro allows call centers to quickly respond to incoming calls by routing them to the most appropriate agent. It increases the call handling time and the response time, resulting in better customer satisfaction. During the high call volume phase, customers can also choose to call back instead of waiting in the queue.

    Streamlined Operating Environment

    Integrating social media and Live Chat platforms, the ACD Queues Pro can help agents understand their customers’ needs and provide them with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions. It eliminates the need for them to spend time on repetitive tasks and helps the team become more effective.

    Saves On Cost

    By transferring calls to the most appropriate agent, a customer can resolve their query quickly and efficiently, significantly improving their chances of getting a response. It eliminates the need for the call center to send the customer to other departments or agents.

    Maximizes Agent Productivity

    ACDs help call center agents become more confident in handling calls, as they have the necessary knowledge and expertise to handle them. They can also improve their productivity and enhance their customer satisfaction. Access to the caller’s information before they answer the call helps them understand their customers more deeply.